PUBG course of plane most asked QNA

1) Is this trick still working? = Yes,it is still working 2) I am continually losing,the plane is not going to SW or NW? =This problem happens when you continually keep exiting from game lobby.If you exit from lobby continually then the server chatches you and gives you this punishment for not playing properly.In this situation you will lose not matter what.This is a temporary situation.If this happens to you then play 2-3 classic matches or log out from the game and come after 2-3hours and then try.There is no exact solution to this problem. And don't use the ancient secret event. 3)What is the first match?is it the first match of the day or of the week? = The first match is every time you log in the game.After logging in the match cycle start.If you stay logged out for more than 2 hours then the cycle breaks. 4)Bonous challange not showing = Bonous challange is available in Asia Squad FPP mode.You have to be in Gold tier or above in Squad.YOUR PHONE NEED 3 GB RAM(minimum)for it...